How To Easily Prep For Your Book Launch, In A Fraction Of The Time It Usually Takes Even If You've Never Launched Before
Step inside the Fully Loaded LAUNCH Machine ...
- Easily prep for your book launch, in a fraction of the time it usually takes even if you’ve never launched before
- Cut writing and content creating time in half using DFY templates & swipes, REMOVE the stress about what to write!
- What to plan for to make your launch time as effective as possible, and start your book marketing off right from the beginning!
- Break free from misunderstandings about book launching with a Masterclass so that you understand WHAT works, what doesn't, and how to make it all happen!
Are you waiting for “someday when you have time” to get your book launch planned?
You know that “someday” never really comes... just like “tomorrow.”
Why put your planning off until there’s almost no time left when you can have it now by purchasing the Fully Loaded LAUNCH Machine?
You won’t get another chance to launch this book!
This quote by Hillel the Elder says it all:
“If not now, WHEN?”
Make this the day you decided to make your book launch less stressful.
Make it the day you decide to take the shortcut and stop worrying that you don’t have enough time to do it right. Not the day you decided to do nothing...again.
If you are ever going to figure launching out, I strongly encourage you to sign up today and commit the time to going through this prepping for your launch today.
If you're in a time crunch, and have less than a month left to make this happen, the Fully Loaded Launch Machine will supercharge your production!
- Break free from analysis paralysis and zero in on your launch strategy
- Save hours of time with DFY templates and swipes!
- Breathe easier knowing you can make it happen in a fraction of the time
- RELEASE yourself from squirrel syndrome and only focus on what will actually WORK
Abandon the question that usually sabotages it all: “What do I do next?”
Sign up today. I’ll teach you the right way to launch your book for kids, and lead you through all the preparation so that you can get it done in a fraction of the time it usually takes!